We invite the synthetic biology community to submit a digital poster for the SynBioBeta 2019 conference in San Francisco (Oct 1-3). The conference this year has 12 themes but you’re welcome to submit a poster in any area related to synthetic biology. We are accepting abstracts for poster presentation in relevant topics (max. 200 words) until the 15th of September 2019.
Upon acceptance of the abstract we will invite you to submit your poster via a user friendly online interface. The maximum poster dimension is 55” x 31” and we accept most common image formats (e.g. PDF, JPG, PNG).
Digital posters will be grouped by key theme and presented on rotation throughout the conference in the digital poster viewing area on large format screens. There won’t be a dedicated poster discussion time but other attendees will be able to contact you to book one-on-one meetings to discuss your poster. Presenters will be able to moderate their posters and halt rotation on the screen at any time.
All poster submissions will be available to review in our online content archive with the authors’ permission prior to the conference which will offer a database of curated content along with the opportunity to connect, network and schedule meetings.