
About marianna.limas

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So far marianna.limas has created 229 blog entries.

Shannon Nangle


Shannon Nangle, postdoctoral fellow in Pam Silver’s lab at Harvard. Shannon Nangle is a postdoctoral fellow in Pam Silver’s lab at Harvard. She received her PhD from the University of Washington in Ning Zheng’s lab and studied the structure biology of circadian clock machinery. Her work at Harvard focuses on the [...]

Shannon Nangle2019-01-09T05:35:52+00:00

Aishani Aatresh


Aishani Aatresh, Computational Immunoengineering Affiliate at Distributed Bio. Aishani Aatresh works at Distributed Bio developing computationally-guided immunoengineering methods to enable a new generation of monoclonal antibody discovery. She has been passionate about immunology from a young age because of her severe food allergies and is deeply interested in genetics and computer science. A [...]

Aishani Aatresh2019-07-03T19:14:06+00:00

Christine Gould


Christine Gould, Founder & CEO of the Thought For Food (TFF) Foundation. Christine has dedicated her career to making ag innovation more open and collaborative. She created Thought For Food to inspire young people to get involved in developing the solutions their future depends on. Christine holds an MPA in Science [...]

Christine Gould2019-01-07T10:02:46+00:00

Tim Kopra


Tim Kopra, Space Station Commander Tim is a Partner of Blue Bear and oversees the operational performance of portfolio companies. An engineer by training, since 1998 Tim has served in various leadership and operational roles at NASA including as Flight Engineer and Commander of the International Space Station. Tim has been [...]

Tim Kopra2019-01-13T09:02:05+00:00

Karen McDonald


Karen McDonald, Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of California at Davis. Karen McDonald is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of California at Davis.  She also serves as the Faculty Director and Co-PI of the UC Davis ADVANCE Institutional Transformation program (, a NSF-funded program to recruit, [...]

Karen McDonald2019-08-12T15:44:55+00:00

Adam Arkin


Adam Arkin, Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Adam Arkin, Ph.D. serves as a Professor at UC Berkeley's Department of Bioengineering. Dr. Arkin serves as a Director of the Synthetic Biology Institute and is a senior faculty scientist in the Environmental Genomics and Systems [...]

Adam Arkin2019-07-30T04:19:02+00:00

Timothy Lu


Tim Lu, Co-founder and CEO of Senti Biosciences. Timothy Lu is an Associate Professor leading the Synthetic Biology Group in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Department of Biological Engineering at MIT. Tim graduated with his SB and MEng from MIT, and his MD/PhD from the Harvard-MIT [...]

Timothy Lu2019-01-04T15:52:58+00:00

Erin Brodwin


Erin Brodwin, Senior science and tech reporter at Business Insider. Erin is a senior science and tech reporter at Business Insider covering the companies in Silicon Valley that are changing the future of health. Erin also writes about the latest developments in the world of drugs, neuroscience, food, and nutrition. [...]

Erin Brodwin2019-08-30T17:13:26+00:00

Aaron Sato


Aaron Sato, Chief Scientific Officer, Pharma and Vice President, Protein Engineering at Twist Bioscience. Aaron is CSO of the Pharma Vertical at Twist Bioscience. Prior to Twist, he served as Chief Scientific Officer of LakePharma, leading the California Antibody Center, which discovers novel antibody therapeutics for its clients. He also oversaw [...]

Aaron Sato2019-01-07T08:25:28+00:00