
About marianna.limas

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So far marianna.limas has created 229 blog entries.

Zach Graves


Zach Graves, Head of Policy at the Lincoln Network Zach Graves is the head of policy at the Lincoln Network, where his work focuses on the intersection of technology and governance issues. Prior to Lincoln, he was founder and former director of the R Street Institute’s technology and innovation policy program. [...]

Zach Graves2019-07-03T10:54:06+00:00

Bill Efcavitch


Bill Efcavitch, Chief Scientific Officer, Co-founder and Board Member of Molecular Assemblies. Bill Efcavitch co-founded Molecular Assemblies in 2013 and serves as Chief Scientific Officer. He was a founding member of Applied Biosystems, as the company’s ninth employee. At Applied Biosystems, Dr. Efcavitch built and managed the research and development (R&D) [...]

Bill Efcavitch2019-07-03T10:48:08+00:00

Masayuki Su’etsugu


Masayuki Su’etsugu, Co-founder and CSO of OriCiro Genomics. Masayuki Su’etsugu is the Co-founder and Chief Science Officer (CSO) of OriCiro Genomics. He also serves as Principle Investigator and Associate Professor at College of Science, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, and recently developed a cell-free technology to assemble and amplify large circular DNA. Prior [...]

Masayuki Su’etsugu2019-07-03T05:31:20+00:00

Linda Guamán


Linda Guamán, Researcher at CENBIO I would describe myself as someone passionate about using bacteria as cell factories. I have experience in engineering Prokaryotes using synthetic biology and metabolic engineering approaches. With emphasis in using biomass and different renewable carbon sources to produce high value compounds. As a researcher, I have [...]

Linda Guamán2019-07-02T07:00:47+00:00

Tariq Warsi


Tariq Warsi is the CEO and co-founder of Syntheseas, Inc. Tariq Warsi is the CEO and co-founder of Syntheseas, Inc. Tariq is a skilled scientist, venture capital advisor, start-up mentor, and entrepreneur, with experience across the academic and industrial sectors. He is experienced in engineering a variety of model and non-model [...]

Tariq Warsi2019-07-02T06:50:48+00:00

Travis Whitfill


Travis Whitfill is the Chief Science Officer of Azitra. Travis Whitfill is the Chief Science Officer of Azitra Inc. His background began in molecular biology and biochemistry after receiving scientific training at the MD Anderson Cancer Center and Duke University. He has co-founded several biotech and healthcare startups companies, including Azitra. [...]

Travis Whitfill2019-06-30T15:47:24+00:00

Marilene Pavan


Marilene Pavan, Automation Scientist at LanzaTech - Synthetic Biology Group Brazilian Automation Scientist, Marilene Pavan, works at carbon recycling company, LanzaTech. A Biologist and Specialist in the Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Marilene is driven to make the synthetic biology framework faster and more reproducible in order to accelerate innovations, via [...]

Marilene Pavan2019-06-26T14:39:05+00:00

Sarah Carter


Sarah Carter, Principal at Science Policy Consulting LLC Dr. Carter is the Principal at Science Policy Consulting LLC where she focuses on societal and policy implications of emerging biotechnologies. Trained as a scientist, she has a detailed understanding of synthetic biology, gene drives, and genome editing techniques such as CRISPR, and [...]

Sarah Carter2019-06-26T14:35:42+00:00

Shyam Patel


Shyam Patel, Associate Director for Portfolio Development and Review at CIRM. Shyam Patel is the Associate Director for Portfolio Development and Review at CIRM. With $3 billion in funding and 165 active stem cell programs in its portfolio, CIRM is leading cell and gene therapy development for unmet medical needs. Shyam [...]

Shyam Patel2019-07-07T19:17:02+00:00

David Younger


David Younger, Co-Founder and CEO of A-Alpha Bio. David Younger is the Co-Founder and CEO of A-Alpha Bio, which provides high-throughput and quantitative characterization of protein-protein interactions for industry and academic applications. During his PhD, he worked with David Baker and Eric Klavins to develop synthetic biology tools that remove the [...]

David Younger2019-06-15T17:57:36+00:00